Pandemic Likely to Accelerate Cloud Adoption

The events that happened in 2020 have created new opportunities, while reshaping our lives for years to come. Throughout 2021, new trends are coming in and change is inevitable; many organizations are expected to adopt cloud models and the data delivered through the cloud becomes an integral part of the daily process. Over the last few years, the rate of this change has increased as more businesses, from small and medium to large enterprises, are moving towards Digital Transformation and adopting online productivity and collaboration services. Going Through This Pandemic The lockdown imposed in many countries, due to Covid-19, has opened the doors for the world to see the necessity of cloud computing; the enforced restrictions turned everything upside down for many industries (travel, hospitality etc..), and many of these businesses are facing a challenging time trying to survive, which is an unexpected reality check for small size organizations. The current top trends, such a...