
Showing posts from October, 2021

Cloud Migration Challenges You May Run Into

Moving towards cloud is a well-established option for businesses and is perceived as the thing of the future. Apart from transporting businesses to the future, there are a whole lot of benefits that come along with migrating to the cloud. Companies today have understood the emergence of cloud systems and their benefits that entails them, but they are not aware that these transitions don't come without their issues. In this blog we will go over a few common challenges faced by business while performing a cloud migration. No Proper Strategy Plans: Besides the all-encompassing benefits in cloud, it is important that the business seeking to migrate to the cloud should have a strong reason for cloud migration. Failing to plan your migration goals properly may run business into serious issues. Cloud Strategy Costs: Most organizations are attracted to cloud computing for the low expenses. Cloud has numerous benefits if it's done with the right preparation and consideration; however, c...

Move to Oracle Cloud - Successfully Migrate Your Data to the Oracle Cloud

Organizations are putting their best foot forward in converting their On-premises applications to Cloud - it is the shiny new toy that every enterprise is after. Although many businesses comprehend the importance of cloud systems and are willing to spend billions of dollars migrating data between information-intensive applications, up to 75 percent of these new systems fail to meet expectations due to flaws in the migration process. Businesses who take the right cloud migration approach will be able to utilize the abundance of benefits the cloud has to offer while transporting their businesses to the future. On-premises to cloud migration - This involves migrating your digital infrastructure from your on-premises environment (e.g., mainframes) to a cloud infrastructure through a cloud consultant Cloud to cloud migration - This involves migrating your digital infrastructure from one cloud infrastructure (usually outdated or less functional) to another (latest technology cloud infrastr...